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Welcome to Bookweb Pro Australia

BookWeb Pro Australia (BWP Australia) is an online book portal designed specifically for library, corporate users as well as researchers looking for information and to order books online from Kinokuniya Australia Business Sales Department (BSD).

Key Features
Large depository of bibliographic information
  • Contains more than 10 million titles in English, Chinese, Japanese, French and German.
  • Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) links and Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) of books are listed on BWP which will enhance your category search for related books more efficiently

    Useful tools for professionals

  • For online orders, you can input your order number, comments as well as select a budget type
  • CSV upload function for bulk orders is also available
  • Duplicate orders will be highlighted
  • Requestor function is enabled on BWP
  • Online status check is available for your BWP orders

    The Sydney Business Sales Department (BSD)-Corporate Sales strives to be a one-stop "Professional Total Library Supplier" that services all libraries and organisations in Australia and New Zealand with the latest in Books from international publishers around the world in English, Japanese and Chinese. 

    For organisations interested in enjoying BSO's various services, a Complimentary Corporate Account will be extended to you so that your organisation may join the ranks of our many valued Library / Corporate Customers and enjoy discounts and privileges with BSD. In additional, a User ID & Password will be issued separately for your easy selection and procurement of books at BookWeb Pro Australia